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Miami, Coral Gables, Brickell & Miami Beach
A profile view of a stylish man with a neat beard and sunglasses looking over his shoulder on a busy urban street
 focused young woman working on her laptop while sitting outdoors on a comfortable chair

Navigate ADHD with expert care and personalized strategies to unlock your full potential.

ADHD Support and Strategies

ADHD brings distinct challenges alongside opportunities for personal growth. It's time to leverage your strengths and address ADHD's complexities with expert guidance and tailored strategies. Unlock your potential and excel across all life facets. 

How Love Discovery Institute Can Help

The Love Discovery Institute excels in providing comprehensive ADHD assessments, treatments, and support for individuals and families. Utilizing evidence-based methods, we aim to enhance focus, organizational skills, emotional regulation, and overall quality of life for those with ADHD. 

Understanding ADHD
Initial Consultation

Begin your journey with a specialized ADHD consultation. Share your experiences and aspirations while we listen and understand your unique situation. Together, we'll explore symptoms and tailor our approach to suit your needs.

Comprehensive Assessment

Dive deep into understanding your ADHD profile through various tools and techniques. We'll identify strengths and challenges, crafting a holistic picture that guides our next steps.

Treatment Planning

Develop a personalized treatment plan encompassing therapy, coaching, lifestyle adjustments, and medication management as appropriate. Set achievable goals to enhance daily life and align with your objectives.

Ongoing Support

Adapt and evolve with ongoing support, adjusting strategies as needed. Our aim is to empower you with coping skills and practical tools for growth, fostering self-esteem, productivity, and fulfillment on your ADHD journey.

A woman seated at an outdoor café, enjoying a book and a coffee with a cityscape in the background
Attention Difficulties

Examine how ADHD affects focus, attention, and listening without distraction, including questions on concentration, item loss, and drifting during conversations.

A curly-haired child in a striped t-shirt playfully extending arms out, isolated against a bright blue background
Hyperactivity and Restlessness

The physical aspects of ADHD, including restlessness, inability to sit still, and engaging in disruptive activities. Questions may cover difficulty sitting through meetings, feeling driven by a motor, or constant movement in activities.

 A man in contemplation, looking out of a large window onto a city skyline
Impulsivity and Decision Making

Impulsivity, a key feature of ADHD, influences decision-making and social interactions. Questions here may cover hasty decision-making, interrupting conversations, or engaging in risky behaviors without forethought.

A confident professional working at a computer in a modern office environment,
Impact on Daily Life and Relationships

ADHD impacts daily life, including academics, work, and relationships. It covers consistent underperformance, relationship challenges due to misunderstood behaviors, and difficulties in managing tasks.

Areas of ADHD

Embrace your ADHD journey. With the right support and strategies, turn challenges into stepping stones for personal development and achievement

How ADHD Assessments Can Help

Assessments are crucial for an accurate ADHD diagnosis, enabling personalized treatment plans focused on the individual's specific requirements. These evaluations distinguish ADHD symptoms from other conditions, guiding interventions such as medication, behavioral therapy, and lifestyle modifications. They also support educational and social success by identifying needs for adjustments and improving social skills. Through detailed assessments and continuous monitoring, individuals with ADHD can more effectively manage their condition, enhancing their performance in various life areas.

A happy female student with a beaming smile walking on a college campus

Types of Support Available


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for ADHD

Targets changing negative thoughts and behaviors.


Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Practices to improve concentration and alleviate anxiety.


Family Therapy

Assists families in understanding and addressing ADHD-related challenges collectively.


Personalized ADHD Assessments

Tailored evaluations diagnose ADHD accurately, enabling customized treatment approaches.


Behavioral Management Techniques

Strategies to improve time management, organization, and reduce disruptive behaviors.


Emotional Regulation and Support

Techniques and support systems to manage emotional responses and boost self-esteem associated with ADHD.


Family and Educational Support

Offers family therapy and guidance on educational accommodations to support individuals with ADHD in all environments.

To address ADHD's hurdles and unlock your potential, the Love Discovery Institute in Miami, Coral Gables, is ready to assist. Reach out to discover more about our ADHD services and begin your customized path to thriving with ADHD. 

Ready to take the next step?
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